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    Merkel ISD's Rise Vision Implementation in a Google School Environment

    Merkel ISD's Rise Vision Implementation in a Google School Environment

    Merkel Independent School District (ISD) in Texas, has embarked on a journey to modernize communication channels across its three campuses. Led by Ashlei Adams, Director of Technology, the district sought innovative solutions to engage students, staff, and parents effectively. Rise Vision emerged as a pivotal tool in Merkel ISD's efforts to streamline communication and enhance school safety protocols. 

    In this case study, we delve into Merkel ISD's unique approach to leveraging digital signage, integrating CrisisGo for emergency alerts, and simplifying content management through Google Slides.

    Meet Ashlei Adams

    Ashlei Adams, with 21 years of experience in Merkel ISD, brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for technology integration to her role as Director of Technology. She began her tenure in the classroom and then technology integration. For the last four years, she has been at the helm of the technology department as Director of Technology.

    Her over 20 years of experience brings a unique perspective since she has seen the change in school technology across a generation. This has proven useful in how she directs the district with their overall technology strategy.

    As the Tech Director, I have found [Rise Vision] incredibly reliable and low-maintenance. Its seamless integration with our existing infrastructure and hassle-free setup process made implementation a breeze. Overall, Rise Vision has exceeded our expectations and has become an indispensable tool for enhancing communication within our school. - Ashlei Adams, Director of Technology at Merkel ISD

    Merkel ISD Needed to Modernize Communication Channels

    Merkel ISD_Zoned templateMerkel ISD makes use of the popular Zoned Playlist Sports & Weather template to welcome students to the building.

    Merkel ISD recognized the need to modernize communication channels across its three campuses to better engage students, staff, and parents. Additionally, with the introduction of Alyssa's Law in Texas, the district sought to enhance emergency alert systems and improve school safety measures.

    Over five years ago, Merkel ISD found their match in Rise Vision. The platform's versatility and user-friendly interface resonated with the district's vision for effective communication. Four years ago when the district was looking to add an emergency alert system, Rise Vision seamlessly integrated with CrisisGo. 

    Ashlei’s mission is to support her staff and ensure “that the teachers have the resources that they need to be successful.” Moreover, from her perspective, technology is a key component of making life as easy as possible. And that doesn’t stop at staff. Supplying her students with the technology they need to be successful is also important.

    As a Google school, Merkel ISD is a 1 to 1 Chromebook school from second grade through to the 12th. Her team works hard to ensure that technology is as seamless as possible so that “the learning can happen with the enhancement of technology.” 

    After 20 years in the industry, Ashlei said that one of the best changes in technology was moving their school to becoming a Google district. Now, getting students logged into their Chromebooks takes seconds compared to minutes.

    How Rise Vision Supports Google School Districts

    Merkel ISD_Hallway Expectations

    Rise Vision offers comprehensive support for Google districts like Merkel ISD:

    • Easy creation and deployment of digital signage content using Google Slides
    • Compatibility with Google Chromeboxes for displaying announcements, event schedules, and emergency alerts
    • Seamlessly pulling in content from Google Spreadsheets, Presentations, and Documents
    Rise Vision helps minimize administrative overhead while maximizing the impact of communication efforts within the Google ecosystem.

    Communication, Improving Safety, and Enhancing Learning

    Merkel ISD_Theatre

    With Rise Vision, Merkel ISD has been able to achieve their goals in communication, improving safety, and enhancing learning with technology. 

    Enhancing School Safety with CrisisGo Integration

    Merkel ISD seamlessly integrated Rise Vision with CrisisGo's Safety iResponse, a leading-edge safety solution designed to enhance emergency preparedness and response across educational campuses. This integration enables real-time emergency alerts to be displayed on digital signage across all campuses, and has revolutionized the district's emergency response protocols, providing timely information and enhanced overall school safety.

    CrisisGo's Safety iResponse boasts industry-leading features tailored to meet the unique needs of school environments. Notably, the solution includes:

    • Roster: An essential tool for accounting for all staff and students on campus during any event, ensuring that no one is unaccounted for.
    • Safety Intervention Manager: This preventative solution is crucial for managing behavioral concerns and threats before they escalate, promoting a safer school environment.
    • Direct 911 Alerts: In compliance with Alyssa’s Law, the system enables immediate escalation of alerts directly to 911, facilitating a rapid response during emergencies.

    All teachers and administrators in Merkel ISD have access to CrisisGo on their laptops and mobile phones. In the event of an emergency, they can quickly send an alert, which can then be instantly distributed across the campus, district, and to 911. This immediate notification system ensures that all staff and emergency personnel are promptly informed and can take necessary actions quickly.

    Through the implementation of CrisisGo's Safety iResponse, Merkel ISD has revolutionized its approach to school safety, offering peace of mind to students, parents, and staff by prioritizing rapid and effective emergency communication.

    Simplifying Content Management with Google Slides

    By leveraging the ability for Rise Vision to integrate with Google Slides, Merkel ISD has empowered staff across campuses to effortlessly update digital signage content. This streamlined approach eliminates the need for extensive training and ensures consistent, up-to-date communication district-wide.

    In addition to presentations that are updated via Google Slides, the district shares some of the other Rise Vision presentations like zoned templates that automatically update with the local weather.

    [Rise Vision] has revolutionized the way we disseminate information throughout our school. Its user-friendly interface allows us to effortlessly create and display announcements, events, and important updates in real-time. - Ashlei Adams, Director of Technology at Merkel ISD

    Read Ashlei Adam's review of Rise Vision on G2.

    Merkel ISD Rolls out Rise Vision District-Wide

    Merkel ISD_Zoned track schedule

    What sets Merkel ISD apart is its holistic adoption of Rise Vision across all campuses, from elementary to high school. Merkel ISD utilizes Rise Vision not just for parent communication but also for internal staff updates, event promotions, and student recognition programs.

    At each school, Merkel ISD has at least one display in the hallway or at the main entrance. And at the high school, there are four displays to keep all of the students up to speed with what’s happening. 

    Key Takeaways from Merkel ISD:

    Through Merkel ISD's experience with Rise Vision, readers can glean valuable insights into:

    • District-wide Rollout: Merkel ISD implemented Rise Vision across all three campuses, facilitating consistent and coordinated communication efforts district-wide.
    • Enhanced School Safety: With the integration of CrisisGo for emergency alerts, the district bolstered its safety measures in compliance with Alyssa's Law.
    • Google District Support: Rise Vision seamlessly integrates with Google products, enabling Merkel ISD to leverage familiar tools like Google Slides for content creation and deployment.

    In conclusion, Merkel ISD's journey with Rise Vision exemplifies the impact of innovative technology solutions in education. As schools navigate the evolving landscape of communication and safety, Merkel ISD stands as an example of the power of strategic implementation and collaborative partnerships in achieving excellence.

    Interested in how your school can use Rise Vision? Book a free demo today.