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    What Millennials Think When They Look At Your Display

    What Millennials Think When They Look At Your Display

    Digital signage emerges as a powerful tool for catering to millennials' communication preferences. Understanding the intricacies of millennial communication is key to leveraging this technology effectively. By discerning their thoughts and responses, you can make informed decisions about the content to showcase on your displays. This insight allows you to tailor messages that resonate with millennials, fostering deeper engagement and connection with your audience.

    You only have about 8 seconds to grab the viewer's attention! With that in mind, here are five tips to make sure you are targeting millennials correctly with your display signage in those 8 seconds:

    Generation Screen

    Sure most of us are used to having displays all around us--our phones, our watches, our computers, our tablets, our cars, and even our appliances--chances are you can look away from your computer screen right now and find at least two displays within arms reach. Millennials are a little more unique, however--they are the first generation to be born into displays.

    For most of us, the only thing that had a display growing up was a TV. But for millennials, they were raised with computers and phones--it’s second nature for them. Most millennials prefer to see things like bulletin boards and even newsletters on digital displays. It’s what they’re used to. So when you think of displays, think of the things that are traditionally on paper that you could digitize on your display.

    Socially Yours

    Millennials are social creatures that want to be heard. Think of how you can incorporate this on your display. Some schools display hashtags that they want students to use on social networks or to encourage them to @ different handles with questions, others use their displays to showcase students Instagram photos.

    William Peace University has found a way to incorporate Instagram right into their display. Students are encouraged to submit their photos to a unique hashtag, and each week different photos are featured. Take a look below at what they’ve done.

    Instagram digital signage

    Make It Personal

    Millennials are used to things that feel like it speaks just to them. Personalize your displays. Don’t use generic content that speaks in broad ways. While they may not like to admit it, millennials can be quite narcissistic; they spend more time polishing a selfie than taking a family photo. Put them on your displays. The University of Tulsa (see example below) welcomes prospective students on their display; there are dozens of other tactics you can use!

    Welcome Message for Student Visit

    Generation Compassion

    More than any other generation, Millennials are into social causes. Promoting outreach or any form of compassion will speak to them. Highlight volunteering events and have call to actions--such as a school fundraiser to help a natural disaster. We have templates to make it easier; see them here and here.

    There’s a Meme for That

    This generation likes memes for everything; using the occasional meme in your display can be one of the best ways to engage them. It shows students that your school isn’t afraid to be silly--just like them.

    A simple search on Google Images for anything + “meme” will almost always bring back hundreds, if not thousands of results. It doesn’t have to be pretty or well designed--the goal is to put a smile on your viewers face. Here’s an example from Georgia Southwestern State University.


    Your Turn!

    Are you doing something different that’s captured your viewer’s attention? We want to hear!

    If you are still looking for a little inspiration, here’s a few things you can try doing with your displays to get more eyes to your display:

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