Many of our previous posts have talked about the importance of keeping your digital signage content fresh, managing all that content relevant or using our professionally designed templates to better connect with your audience.
Creating engaging digital signage content starts with understanding your audience.
And if you’re a school, college or university, your audience primarily is your student body.
You might be thinking that using digital signage driving conversations with your students is impossible since you’ve only got about three seconds to catch their attention.
But, connecting with your students is easy as delivering a message they want to see.
A message about them!
Have you thought about highlighting your students doing great things?
In this post, we’ll talk about how one of our favorite audience members has incorporated students into her content creation and discuss how schools have increasingly considered students when choosing the right digital signage software for them.
Students Love How Digital Signage Makes Them Feel
This week, we spoke with Tina Toyne, an administrator at Hardin Public School in Montana, about how she uses digital signage encourage conversation and generate excitement among students.
While her content includes the traditional presentations that many school use (calendars, schedules and menus), Tina has focused her effort on highlighting students in her presentations.
By focusing on sports scores, tournament results and student accomplishments, she’s found students to engage significantly more than with what would normally appear on the displays. And on campus, the community has embraced a love of the digital signage she creates.
While Tina only just started using digital signage on campus a few months ago, she’s found her lobby’s display to be a meeting place for students. As the display cycles through different presentations, students compliment each other on being featured in a photo or having their name highlighted.
She explained, “Students gather around the monitors and say, ‘See. Wait, just watch’ as the presentations roll. They get great big smiles when they get to see their name. It really gives our students a well-deserved pat on the back.”
Considering Your Students When Choosing Your Digital Signage
While our easy-to-use software has long attracted schools, colleges and universities, we’ve noticed that schools have begun to think about students when considering which digital signage platform is best.
Because getting started is such a breeze, we’ve heard from digital signage decision-makers beginning to think, “Could my middle school class get started creating or managing content without me?” And once on board, teachers have begun to incorporate students into content creation and content management of their digital signage.
While training has always been popular with our audience when just getting started, we’ve found that many schools have opted for “group training.”
Where our training has long been centered around one of our Support experts working closely with one member of our audience (and at a school, it usually might’ve been a teacher or office administrator), requests lately have revolved around a teacher asking to include his or her entire class, as well.
And while incorporating digital signage into your curriculum might not be part of your plans, it might be something to consider. With a newfound focus on IT and media-based coursework in middle and high-school, our Customer Success team has begun to hear increased interest in helping teachers to incorporate digital signage into the classroom.
Show Off Your Students with Digital Signage
Your students love seeing their accomplishments displayed.
And digital signage is an easy way to highlight what they’ve done.
If you have questions about trying to figure out how to incorporate digital signage into your classroom, we’d love to chat.