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    Convert Flash to HTML5 with Google Swiffy

    teaching resources
    ---Note: Google Swiffy was shut down in 2016, and the content in this post is no longer supported---

    Using Swiffy to Convert Flash to HTML5

    Most everyone who follows web tech has probably already heard about Wallaby, Adobe's experimental tool for converting FLA files to HTML5. Now, Google has just come out with their own Flash to HTML5 converter - Swiffy. Unlike Wallaby, which you have to download, Swiffy is an online tool. Another important distinction is that, while Wallaby converts FLA files, Swiffy converts SWF files.

    Create Free Digital Signage

    I thought I'd take Swiffy for a spin to see how well it did with converting a couple of SWFs. I started off by converting a very simple animation of some flying bees. I went to in Google Chrome, selected a file to upload, checked the disclaimer box, and clicked the Upload and convert button. The conversion process was very fast (about a second). Afterwards, I was presented with the original Flash animation, followed by the Swiffy conversion. I really couldn't tell the difference between the two. The Swiffy conversion rendered HTML, SVG and CSS.

    Next, I tried converting a more complicated SWF file. This one took 15 seconds to convert and had some errors. Both of these errors make sense when we take into consideration that there really isn't an HTML5 equivalent for Flash's blend modes and for advanced ActionScript. Despite these errors, I was still hard-pressed to find any variations between the two. The output from Swiffy is a URL where you can download or preview the conversion. The URL expires after 15 minutes. After that you'll have to go through the conversion process again.

    Flash Assets for Digital Signage

    Thinking about converting existing Flash assets to HTML5 to use in your digital signage? Google Swiffy is a great option and works well for our platform.

    Not sure if digital signage is right for your needs? We've put together some resources that may help:

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