Weekly Playbook

Digital signage for schools doesn’t have to be difficult

Hi there,

Over the past few months we’ve been talking to hundreds of customers about how they use Rise Vision and how we could improve their experience. We’ve taken all that feedback and made some big improvements:

  • A new way to edit content: the Template Editor
  • A new kind of Template that will scale to the size of your display. Don’t worry about adjusting resolution settings anymore! 
  • New Templates
  • New pricing with discounts for education and nonprofits

Scroll below for all the details!


PS: If you have questions or feedback, please hit reply and let me know. 

The Template Editor

At Rise Vision we’ve found that we can broadly group our customers into two areas; IT (information technology) and pretty much everyone else (marketing, admin, HR, teachers, etc..).

In most conversations with IT what we constantly hear is:

“My favourite thing about Rise Vision is how easy it is to use.”

And in most conversations with everyone else what we constantly hear is:

“Rise Vision is one of the most difficult pieces of software I have to use, I can’t figure it out.”

Which leads to the next most common thing we hear from IT:

“I wasn’t supposed to be responsible for the digital signage but I haven’t been able to hand it off.”

To make our customers lives simpler and solve this problem, we built the Template Editor.


The Template Editor is designed to work flawlessly from the browser on your phone and desktop so that you can update content on the go or while you’re right in front of your display.

The Template Editor also uses a new kind of Template that will adjust to the resolution of your screen! Right now there are only landscape Templates but portrait is coming soon.

Learn more about the Template Editor.

Google Slides

No more hacky HTML embed codes or trying to hide scrollbars, just enter the URL to your Google Slideshow and enjoy. Want to try it out? Add the Template below.


Add Template

Learn more about Google Slides.


Editing images on the go is effortless with this update. Snap pictures at your event and add them to your Template in seconds all from your phone. Give it a whirl and add the Template below.


Add Template

Learn more about Images.


No sizes, colors, fonts, etc… just type the text and publish. Click Add Template and try it out!


Add Template

Learn more about Text.


We’re enjoying a beautiful 22° Celsius Canada Day in Toronto. How's the weather where you are?


Add Template

Learn more about Weather.


Want to engage your audience with financial data and top news from Reuters? Teaching financial literacy in your school and want to create a more immersive learning environment? Try out our Template below in the Template Editor and contact us to purchase a Financial Data License.


Add Template

Learn more about Financial.


We’ve released new pricing with special discounts for education and nonprofit organizations. Learn about it in this announcement and check out our updated pricing page.

Next up!

We’ve got a jam packed few months ahead of us as well! What’s planned?

All of this content for the Template Editor 

  • Branding (A cool new feature. Enter your logo and colors and have them be automatically applied to any Template you add thereafter)
  • RSS 
  • Video
  • YouTube 
  • Calendar
  • Countdown and Up 
  • Twitter (It’ll work on Chrome!)

A security and privacy review to make sure your data and digital signs are safe.

Upgrading our Windows, Linux, and Pi players to use a newer version of Electron. This is a bit technical, but the upgrade will deliver performance improvements.

I hope you enjoyed this summer update and feel free to respond to this email with questions, comments, concerns, feature requests, or funny GIFs.  

Happy Canada Day and July 4th!


Shea Darlison

Product Manager

Create a great looking display in minutes. We guarantee your audience will notice or your money back.

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